Book Reviews

Legendary – SPOILER Book Review


YA High Fantasy; By Stephanie Garber (Caraval #2)

~ “I’ll be waiting” – Legend ~


Letter Grade: B (76%)

Tella’s deception at the end of Caraval has finally caught up to her. Payments for deals will be paid, and with a new Caraval on the horizon, Tella will more than ever find herself in the battle between games and reality. As a sinister plot reveals itself, Tella will discover if her true desires are worth the cost of saving everyone – including her mother.

I can’t say that the second book of this series astonished me. I was cautious based on my feelings regarding the messiness in plot, characters, and writing of the first book. Not to say that Garber didn’t have any good ideas – she did…but I felt like the execution was underdone. Needless to say, Until the three-quarter mark of the book I was ready to abandon the series. And again, the ending surprised me. If only the first 75% of the book contained the same spunk as the last quarter!

The true plot of the book – about the Fates – was vastly interesting. But I was very disappointed that it didn’t at least serve a focus in the first book. I felt like it came out of nowhere, in Tella’s flashback prologue. It seemed rushed, and so I failed to connect with the characters’ beliefs and relationships with the “vanished” Fates – because these already introduced characters seemed so enthralled and deeply rooted with them.

I can’t say I wasn’t pleased by having Tella as a narrator – I was pleasantly annoyed by Scarlett for most of the first book, and alas, my hopes were also dashed with Tella for the first half. I found her dull, shallow, and immature – and I was only reminded was 16 years old on the last few pages. Though the fact that I ignored her true age and imagined her as a legal adult made her budding romance with Dante that much more heated and desperate, in a good way. But as their romance progressed and we saw hints of emotion on both Dante and Tella during the Fated Ball, all their encounters during the game…Dante became oh so similar to another certain character with stars as tattoos and “emblemized” as the night sky. It was really disappointed that the arc was similar – The dark powerful one pretending he didn’t care when he was really falling in love with the girl. Even that hot kissing scene near the ruins and the fountain…inn scene “I want to forget/I want…fun” anyone???

I am glad, though, that Stephanie Garber didn’t diffuse the wonder and tension about Legend’s true identity. I liked the clues the readers got and how it created irony with how oblivious the characters were (But P.S. I didn’t like Stephanie’s dedication “Thanks for telling me Dashiell was the wrong name” PUH-LEASE IF Y’ALL DIDN’T FIGURE IT OUT FROM THEN). Dashiell? LOL. Dante? Please avoid giving away your main man’s identity on the dedication page. If I don’t get Dante’s true backstory on the first pages of the third book…it’s the last time I continue on with stories with not-so-great beginnings.

I’m really pining for Tella and Dante, really I am. But I am interested in Scarlett’s love life, especially with the reveals about her ex-fiancée and his ruse during that last Caraval. And what about Jacks? Will he have a redemption arc since Tella is supposed to be his one true love? These unanswered questions have potential enough for an explosive finale. But will it deliver?

The Fates are now free. A battle looms in both Scarlett and Tella’s hearts. Will Tella, Scarlett, Dante, and Julian be the heroes, or the villains of their story? What role will Jacks, Nicolas, and Paloma play in the final game?

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