Book Reviews

The Flash Vol 1: Lightning Strikes Twice – SPOILER Book Review

The Flash Vol 1: Lightning Strikes Twice

DC Superhero comic book ; By Joshua Williamson, Carmine Di Giandomenico, and Ivan Plascencia

~ “My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive ~


Letter Grade: A- (83%)

After pretty much being obsessed with Grant Gustin since 1×01, I’ve really enjoyed delving into the world of DC and Marvel comics. I’m just so sorry (sorry I’m Canadian I say sorry a lot. Sorry) that I didn’t think to start reading the actual comics sooner. The rebirth series was recommended in a 2019 Comic magazine, so I thought I’d give it a go. It certainly didn’t disappoint, but I felt it was missing something…

If you just forget about the panels on the first 3-4 pages, then you’re all good. Basically, Barry arrives at a crime scene not unlike his mother’s and proceeds to see flashbacks/vibes of a Wally West from another Earth. It seems like we delve right into the aftermath of Barry creating Flashpoint, giving us some sort of message that what Barry did is going to cause a whole slew of problems (cue the speed force lightning storm). And the fact that it wasn’t obvious was the let down for me. If this is supposed to be a “Volume 1” of a rebirth series, don’t ya think readers – old and new – need context?

But besides that, if you ignore those first few pages, you’re immersed in a world where Barry is “just friends” with Iris West – no Joe West in sight – whose nephew is Wally West. I thought it was interesting that we got so much Wally West backstory. I had no clue his dad (in this comic’s Earth anyway) was a speedster? Or that Eobard Thawne was really called “Professor Zoom” and not “Reverse Flash”? Oh boy, do I have a lot more comics readings to do! If you can recommend some good “pilot-like” Flash comics, please let me know in a comment below!

The thing that made me realize I was in the Flashverse and Central City though, was the art and panel organization. Fantastic job to the artist and author! Every detail was to the point and encapsulated the essence of the Flash. Funny, but fast. And since I’m always caught up on the show, I liked how there were so many things that I recognized – similar and different! Especially the different parts: no Cisco Ramon or Caitlin Snow or Professor Wells. BUT there was mention of Batman and we got to see the bat cave, and Barry Allen as always makes a joke about not being allowed to laugh in the bat cave. I was dying – but only because I was comparing it to TV Barry’s adoration of the mysterious Batman.

AND then there was Meena Dhawan who was a total surprise. I really liked her character and the way she worked with the Flash. She’s probably the character I’d want to continue this rebirth series for. Because man oh man, those last few panels, where Meena’s “speed force” ghost appears and whispers in Barry’s ear? I CAN FEEL SOMETHING SINISTER COMING! But…not as sinister as the plot twist with August Heart. Like I said – I’m caught up with the TV Series. And I sincerely hope August’s character becomes big in the next season. It was a little brush through in one episode while this volume really delved into his relationship with Barry. And I felt that betrayal, that hurt on Barry’s pure face when he found out that August had been Godspeed all along. It burned like what I think a burn would feel like if I ever failed to phase through a wall. But tbh I don’t see August/Godspeed happening on CW’s the Flash unless they look at August Heart/Godspeed, Barry, Wally, Averie, and Meena through the lens of another Earth. Or if they introduce August as Barry’s new partner in season 6, but tbh I feel like that would be a cop-out similar to Eddy Thawne or Julian Albert’s character…

BUT I LOVED AUGUST HEART’S CHARACTER – I think his betrayal was a punch to the gut, allowing to bring Barry’s head out of the clouds and make him realize some of the right things that August was saying about having abilities (But remember: murder is NEVER the answer!). The way he was defeated though…that was an interesting concept. I wonder if they’ll explore how two speedsters who are connected in the speed force can steel one another’s powers. That would be so cool!

Needless to say, this comic was good enough that it made me want to figure out what happens next. BUT, I wish I had honestly started with Barry’s beginnings as the Flash. However, I’ll never say no to the resourcefulness and girl power that is Iris West!

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