Bookish Discussions

Kingdom of Ash DISCUSSION Part IV

Note: This will be a rant - a positive one. This is a place to talk about your favourite quotes, themes, answer burning questions, or ask some new ones. MAY INCLUDE SPOILERS BELOW. Enjoy! P.S. All quotes in this discussion series are the property of Sarah J. Maas, and all images are the property of… Continue reading Kingdom of Ash DISCUSSION Part IV

Book Tags

Mates, Parabatai, and Pens BOOK TAG

This is really similar to Kiss, Marry, Kill tags previously done - but with a fandom's twist! Combing the magic of Sarah J. Maas, Cassandra Clare, and Rick Riordan, I give you... the MATES, PARABATAI, and PENS book tag The idea is simple: put a bunch of characters names in a hat, and pick three at a… Continue reading Mates, Parabatai, and Pens BOOK TAG